楊彥祥,意昂4長聘教軌助理教授🦹。2023年畢業於德國慕尼黑工業大學,獲經濟管理學博士學位(Summa cum laude)。主要研究方向為意昂4体育健康管理🧙🏻♀️,近年來發表SSCI/SCI學術論文10余篇,國際會議論文10余篇🈹,擔任European Sport Management Quarterly👹🧦,Digital Health,Telematics and Informatics等期刊審稿人。
移動意昂4体育健康管理與遊戲化(Gamification),意昂4体育經濟管理(Sport Analytics)
1. Yanxiang Yang, Joerg Koenigstorfer, and Tim Pawlowski (2024): Predicting transfer fees in professional European football before and during COVID-19 using machine learning. European Sport Management Quarterly. 24(3), 603-623.
2. Yanxiang Yang, Huijun Hu, and Joerg Koenigstorfer (2022): Effects of gamified smartphone applications on physical activity: A systematic review and meta-analysis. American Journal of Preventive Medicine. 62(4): P602-613.
3. Yanxiang Yang and Joerg Koenigstorfer (2021): Determinants of fitness app usage and moderating impacts of education-, motivation-, and gamification-related app features on physical activity intentions: Cross-sectional survey study. Journal of Medical Internet Research. 23(7): e26063.
4. Yanxiang Yang and Joerg Koenigstorfer (2020): Determinants of physical activity maintenance during the Covid-19 pandemic: A focus on fitness apps. Translational Behavioral Medicine. 10(4): P835–842.
5. Joerg Koenigstorfer, Yanxiang Yang, Jason N. Bocarro, Ian Brittain, Erik Lundberg, David McGillivray, Laura Misener, Laurence Chalip, and Michael B. Duignan (2023): The state of play between managing major sport events and human rights: A scoping review. Event Management. 27(6), 823-849.
6. Anton Behrens, Yanxiang Yang, and Sebastian Uhrich (2022): Keeping it real or bridging the gap? Brand positioning of US sport teams in Germany and China. Journal of Sport Management. 36(2): P105-117.
7. Ida Kær Thorsen, Yanxiang Yang, Laura Staun Valentiner, Charlotte Glümer, Kristian Karstoft, Jan Christian Brønd, Rasmus Østergaard Nielsen, Charlotte Brøns, Robin Christensen, Jens Steen Nielsen, Allan Vaag, Bente Klarlund Pedersen, Henning Langberg, Mathias Ried-Larsen (2022): The effects of a lifestyle intervention supported by the InterWalk smart-phone application on increasing physical activity among persons with type 2 diabetes: A parallel-group, randomized trial. JMIR mHealth and uHealth. 10(9), e30602.