
羅 嚴






1. Luo, Y., Mellano, K. T., Mullin, E. M., Zhong, J., Zhou, Y., Sha, Y., Zhang, Y., Luo, S., & Guo, N. (2024). Translation and Psychometric Evaluation of a Chinese Version of the Behavioral Regulation in Sport Questionnaire (BRSQ) with University Sport Athletes. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 131(1), 219-245.

2. Mullen, S., Luo, Y., Adamek, J., Phansikar, M., Mackenzie, M., Roberts, B., & Larrison, C. R. (2023). Path analysis of effects of first-generation status on physical activity and 4-year college degree completion. Journal of Evidence-Based Social Work, 1-13.

3. Luo, Y., Smith, D. M., Moosbrugger, M., France, T. J., Wang, K., Cheng, Y., ... Si, S. (2023). Dynamics and moderating factors of esport participation and loneliness: A daily diary study. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 66, 102384.

4. Hutchinson, J. C., Jones, L., Ekkekakis, P., Cheval, B., Brand, R., Salvatore, G. M., ... & Luo, Y. (2023). Affective Responses to Increasing-and Decreasing-Intensity Resistance Training Protocols. Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 1-17.

5. Luo, Y., Hutchinson, J. C., O'Connell, C. S., & Sha, Y. (2022). Reciprocal effects of esport participation and mental fatigue among Chinese undergraduate students using dynamic structural equation modeling. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 62, 102251.

6. Luo, Y., Moosbrugger, M., Smith, D. M., France, T. J., Ma, J., & Xiao, J. (2022). Is increased video game participation associated with reduced sense of loneliness? A systematic review and meta-analysis. Frontiers in Public Health, 10, 898338.

7. Luo, Y., Mullin, E. M., Mellano, K. T., Sha, Y., & Wang, C. (2022). Examining the psychometric properties of the Chinese Behavioral Regulation in Exercise Questionnaire-3: A bi-factor approach. PLoS One, 17(3), e0265004.

8. Luo, Y., & Zhong, J. (2022). Independence and sex differences in physical activity and sedentary behavior trends from middle adolescence to emerging adulthood: A latent class growth curve analysis. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(5), 2647.

9. Wang, T., Cheval, B., Maltagliati, S., Zenko, Z., Herold, F., Ludyga, S., ... Luo, Y., ... & Zou, L. (2022). Validation of the Chinese version of the Affective Exercise Experiences Questionnaire (AFFEXX-C). International Journal of Mental Health Promotion.




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